Well I just turned 18 and want to go on a solo road trip to Mount Rushmore. Kinda scared as ive never drove outta state. Is there like a complete begginers guide to this kinda thing? Really just curious as where to stay and what to see on the way. Where can you stay cheaply? Is it legal to sleep in your car at rest stops? Where are you allowed to camp? Is it permitted to camp at state parks? Where can you stop when you get bored of driving, and have something to do? So many questions....
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thanks for the advice Midwest Micheal
I should clarify a bit more, my biggest concern is where i will sleep at night. I dont really wanna stay at motels the whole trip and I think i would really enjoy camping instead, but i dont know the rules and regulations of where you can stay and all that. Where do you camp on a park that allows camping? Anywhere? Is there designated spots? If so, how do you find said spots? Last time i went camping was when i was like twelve and didnt have to worry bout such things. I should also say this is my first road trip and i am quite nervous.
Any more advice anyone? Please help me out.