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  1. Default CA to CA, Cali to Canada, is this trip I've planned "doable" ?

    Hi, newbie, found this forum trying to research whether our road trip is realistic. US/Canadian couple, recently got hitched... California is moving to Canada. We didn't get a real honeymoon because I could only take a few days off when we got married so this is going to be a road trippin' 2nd honeymoon. My husband can take 1 week off and is flying down to drive with me, movers are taking my stuff, I only have to take my car and cat
    We've chosen a few cool scenic places to see along the way.

    Here's the route - please let me know if you think this is possible

    Tuesday 673 miles to Lehi, UT
    Wednesday 679 miles to Forsyth, Montana
    Thursday 571 miles to Brandon, Manitoba
    Friday 576 miles to Thunder Bay, Ontario
    Saturday 522 miles to Blind River, ON
    Sunday, more of a relaxing 2 hrs 45 mins to South Baymouth
    Chi-Cheemaun Ferry (1 hr 45 ferry trip)
    then driving 4 hrs from Tobermory to final destination.

    I tried to set it up that the first days had the longest, and then tapered off.

    One friend has already said NO WAY, you can't do it!
    But I had a friend who drove all the way from Cali to Florida in 5 days (yes, maniacal)

    Love to hear from the "road tripping pros" if this is too much of a trip ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default Define Realistic

    Welcome to the RTA Forum!

    I think you may want to reconsider your plans a bit.

    Yes, I think it is possible that you could get through this route in this amount of time, If you are willing to be spending 12+ hours behind the wheel every day for a week. I know I wouldn't consider that relaxing, enjoyable, or anything resembling a honeymoon - and I actually enjoy long distance driving. I can do a 600-700 mile day without any problems, but after a day or two, it stops being fun and starts being work.

    Also keep in mind, much of your trip, particularly through Canada will be on 2 lane roads, so while you might be cutting your mileage down slightly, your travel times will likely be increasing as you work your way east.

    I almost forgot about your cat. I'm guessing he/she probably doesn't like traveling that much, and probably would prefer not to be trapped in a car for 12+ hours at a time either. Most likely it won't want to eat, drink, or use the litter box while you are on the road, and will be looking forward to your stops at hotels.

    You didn't specify your final destination, but I'm guessing it is somewhere in the Toronto area? I think you would have a much better trip if you kept to a more direct route, traveling through the states until you get to Detroit. You'll still have to keep moving, but you would at least have some time to see the sights like the national parks in Utah and Colorado, and overall, I think everyone will be happier.

  3. Default

    Thanks for your reply. I guess I was being a bit *romantic* about how much prettier I thought the drive in Canada would be LOL!

    I really appreciate your candor, our original plan included seeing family in Winnipeg hence the reason to cut through canada instead of heading straight across the US... but we had a chat last night and decided we'll make the family trip another time. Your points about the cat really brought it home.

    I was just kinda excited about road tripping and thought of it in a much more glamorous way, but upon reading your post I have changed our itinerary (no more BIG giant turtle!) and now are doing 500 mile days hitting Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska, Illinois, thru Michigan to home.

    Nice part is with this route, we'll be in Canada for Canada day. :)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default The Plains States!

    Quote Originally Posted by canada_bound
    Thanks for your reply. I guess I was being a bit *romantic* about how much prettier I thought the drive in Canada would be
    For much of your route, the difference in appearance of the land mass between the USA and Canada is one of legal definition only -- it is all plains until you hit the great lakes or the land-of-lakes in Minnesota...
    Your points about the cat really brought it home.
    Glad that point "hit home".
    I was just kinda excited about road tripping and thought of it in a much more glamorous way, but upon reading your post I have changed our itinerary (no more BIG giant turtle!) and now are doing 500 mile days hitting Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska, Illinois, thru Michigan to home.
    Everyone on this Forum "lives for roadtrips" and would rather be out there anyday than in the office -- that being said -- 500 miles per day is still a grueling long day -- a heck of a lot better than your original plan of 600 to 700 miles per day -- but 500 miles per day will still require 9-10 hours of travel every day. Make sure you read this article about speed runs and that you take our advice seriously!
    Nice part is with this route, we'll be in Canada for Canada day.
    Yeah, that is good timing! You might also want to calulate your fuel costs here!

    Enjoy the adventure!


  5. Default

    Thanks Mark, I used streets & trips to figure actual landmarks or "goals" (which I saw in the speed run article is a good idea) and have booked reservations as I don't want to find us out there with no places that are Pet Friendly out on the road.

    S&T calculated $300+ in gas as did your link, so my garage sale this weekend also has a goal.... to cover some of the fuel!

    Thanks for all your help, what a great site.

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