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Thread: Route Planners

  1. #1

    Default Route Planners

    Hello Everyone,

    We're planning our road trip from San Fran to vegas via several places, and I would like to be able to use a web based route planner that enables me to select scenic routes, and via several spots of interest (such as Vegas to Yosemite via DV, or the coast road between San fran and LA).

    Most sites I've visited only seem to give you the most direct option (and probably least scenic).

    Can anyone recommend their favourites? Easiest to use etc?

    If not is there a good road atlas that people find the best that I can order before we go?

    Thanks for viewing and I hope you can help!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1998
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Our Recommendations

    Quote Originally Posted by sunbeam1664
    We're planning our road trip from San Fran to vegas via several places, and I would like to be able to use a web based route planner that enables me to select scenic routes, and via several spots of interest (such as Vegas to Yosemite via DV, or the coast road between San fran and LA)
    Paul, has a brand new trip planner -- we have not tested it yet very much, but it has the promise of being able to deliver more flexibility. The rest of our recommendations can be seen here.


  3. #3

    Default Thanks!

    Thanks a lot there Mark!

    I'll give them a go.


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