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  1. Default Travel from west coast to east coast

    We're 2 Irish Guys planning to travel across americia from San Fran/LA to New york, our path is flexible and we would like to travel in june, we were looking to join others in a car or get advice on how to complete this on public transport, or if any one has any better ideas?? any help would be welcomed

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green County, Wisconsin

    Default Public Transit

    Welcome to the RTA Forum!

    You've got kind of a tough task in front of you, albeit one that many others have faced. As you may know, other than in a handful of major cities, Public Transportation is pretty bad in the US. For long distance travel, you really only have two options: Greyhound and Amtrak. Greyhound Bus Service is very slow and stops in almost every little town along the way. Amtrak Rail meanwhile is pretty limited in the places you can go. Try searching the forum for Greyhound or Amtrak to get some more ideas about them.

    The best way to get around the US is in a car, which means either finding a ride like you are trying to do, renting a car, or buying one and selling it when you are done.

    Finding a ride can be difficult, because its hard to find someone else who is looking for the exact same trip, to the exact same places, at the exact same time. Being flexible will help, and I suggest looking at some of the other share the gas threads - you might just find someone to meet up with.

    Rental Cars are probably the most popular option, although they can be expensive, particularly for one way rentals and if you are under 25. You didn't say how old you are, but if you are under 21, you will have a hard time renting a car at all.

    Then you can always buy a car and try to sell it when you are done. The problem is getting the vehicle licensed and insured without a US address. It also costs a lot more up front, although you do get much of that money back when you sell the car.

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