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  1. Wow I checked it out!... Really cool idea...

    Wow I checked it out!... Really cool idea Southwest Dave, thank you! :)
    We might do that yes.. Only thing is it's a bit clumsy since the plan is to go from Sequoia in the morning and to see Death...
  2. I appreciate all your concerns and tips about...

    I appreciate all your concerns and tips about sleeping in the car! We will definitely stop by a Walmart and try to find a good deal for a tent. If not we will be sleeping in the car only for 2 days...
  3. We really don't see the problem of sleeping in...

    We really don't see the problem of sleeping in the car for 2-3 nights. But we will check out if we get any good prices on a tent and than decide if we buy it, thanks!

    Soo I think that it would be...
  4. Thank you Midwest Michael for the nice welcome...

    Thank you Midwest Michael for the nice welcome and all the suggestions!
    Yes the trip is a bit rushed because after the 14 days in america we are going to Canada and we already have all the flights...
  5. Road Trip, San Francisco-Las Vegas-Grand Cannyon-Los Angeles with stops

    Hello RTA! I have been reading this forum for a few weeks now to get some tips and advice from all the threads and discussions here.
    Me and my friend are going on a road trip as mentioned in the...
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