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  1. Rte 6

    And the other end of US Route 6 is Provincetown, Massachusetts on the tip of Cape Cod. This is truly a fun end-of-the-road town, kind of like New England's version of Key West.
  2. Replies

    More details please

    Where would you like to go in these states? California, for instance, is a big state with a lot to see. San Francisco? LA? Lake Tahoe? Death Valley? Any one of these places is definitely worth...
  3. Go West

    If time isn't an issue, I would suggest going west. Lake Crescent is beautiful and directly on the route, and either Sol Duc Hot Springs or the Hoh Rain Forest would be an excellent detour. Neah...
  4. Seattle and south

    I was going to say Seattle to Quinault in one day sounds a bit ambitious since you would have to build in a wait time for the ferry (long on weekends) or else drive the long way around through Tacoma...
  5. Oregon coast

    I recently drove from Coos Bay to Crescent City CA, my first trip to the southern Oregon coast. One of my favorite stops was Cape Blanco State Park north of Port Orford--turn right after the village...
  6. Replies

    Yes to the Monorail

    Definitely agree on the monorail. It's possible to walk, but still a long way from downtown to Seattle Center. And it's the best way if it's raining. Also, if you're there over Memorial Day weekend...
  7. Replies

    Interesting, but why did he go?

    This is very well written and I admire his courage for driving all the way up there in winter. But while bragging rights to an obscure or out of the way place is certainly a legitimate reason for...
  8. Boston to Seattle

    I moved from Boston (Salem, actually) to Seattle in 1997. It's a long drive, and as previously noted will need more time if you want to see some sights. Boston to Buffalo alone via the Mass Pike...
  9. Replies

    Great Northwest

    Hi Lauramas,

    I live in Seattle. The Pike Place Market is always fun, although catch it on a weekday to avoid crowds. It is somewhat touristy, but locals like it for fresh, locally grown fruits...
  10. Replies

    Thanks Lifey!

    Hi Lifey,

    I am brand new to this forum (just registered a few hours ago) and have really enjoyed reading about your adventures. I was in Whitehorse for a few days in 2006 and made a side trip to...
  11. Replies

    CA Inspection stations

    I have driven in all 50 states and crossed a state line to get to all of them with the obvious exception of Hawaii (and Alaska where I got the usual US/Canada customs formalities), and California is...
  12. Not in two days

    Hi Me_Enigma,

    I live in Seattle and entirely agree that two days to Little Rock is unrealistic and unsafe not only to you and your travel companion but also to other drivers.

    You'll be going...
Results 1 to 12 of 12