• Buttermilk Falls State Park - Ithaca, New York

      Buttermilk Falls
      Photo by Dennis Goza
      Ithaca, best known as the home of Cornell University, also offers some excellent outdoor territory to explore. Buttermilk Falls State Park consists of more than 800 scenic acres for hiking, swimming, fishing, camping, birding and other outdoor activities. And yes, there are some distinctive waterfalls that get their name from the foaming water in some locations. The trails are especially appropriate if you like the workout of a steep climb.

      If you go:
      Open all year, dawn to dusk. No admission fee for pedestrians, but there is a charge for each vehicle April through November. Camping season is late May through Columbus Day. Carry in, carry out.


      106 East Buttermilk Falls Road
      Ithaca, New York 14850 USA

      Mailing address:
      c/o Robert H. Treman State Park
      105 Enfield Falls Rd.
      Ithaca, NY 14850 USA

      Phone Numbers:

      Buttermilk Falls State Park
      +1 (607) 273-5761

      Robert H. Treman Park
      +1 (607) 273-3440

      Comments 1 Comment
      1. Naef's Avatar
        Naef -
        Ithaca is an awesome place to visit. Lots of opportunities for great hiking spots if weather permits!

        Also, Chautauqua Lake is a fascinating place. Highly recommend! Bemus Point on Chautauqua Lake is a fun, quaint lakeside town with a few nice restaurants and a pretty low key touristy vibe.