• Washington DC to Williamsburg, Virginia

      178 miles - 5 hours

      This trip is bound to fascinate the history buff and intrigue those who just want a peek at our country's history. Add the fact Virginia is something of a scenic wonderland, and this becomes a route anyone visiting the Mid-Atlantic section of the United States will want to follow. With Washington DC in the rear view mirror, there is much to discover, ending with a visit to a town where the past literally comes alive.

      Here are a few highlights along this route:

      Washington DC
      (starting point)
      What better place to start a history trip then at the nation’s capital. Hopefully you will have a day or two to spend in Washington DC before crossing the Potomac River into Virginia on your way to the first stop of this journey. The roads are well marked, so don’t fret if you forgot the Global Positioning System (GPS).

      Arlington, Virginia (mile 5)
      It is difficult not to be moved emotionally when visiting Arlington National Cemetery, where veterans from wars as long ago as the American Revolution to those who served their country in Iraq and Afghanistan are buried. The Tomb of the Unknowns and the Eternal Flame at John F. Kennedy’s grave are among the most visited. Next it’s time to get on Interstate 95 and head south.

      Richmond (mile 112)
      Richmond is a bustling city with some interesting historic sites. The Museum of the Confederacy is a stop worth making, and if you want to wander a little from the history lessons, visit the Edgar Allan Poe Museum. Richmond is the Capital of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and pops with lots of good places to eat, making it a perfect stop for lunch.

      Colonial Williamsburg (mile 178)
      Listen to Patrick Henry give his famous speech, stop by a tavern where George Washington enjoyed a good drink, and walk the streets Thomas Jefferson once walked. These historic figures are just a few of the characters in period costume that roam the streets, run the shops and entertain visitors. Most of the buildings are the original buildings from colonial times or are restored. Colonial Williamsburg is a treat the entire family will enjoy.

      Washington DC offers visitors an
      array of historic sites
      Photo by Anne Sponholtz

      Comments 3 Comments
      1. Mark Sedenquist's Avatar
        Mark Sedenquist -
        Great route, makes me want to go and drive this!
      1. trevorgt's Avatar
        trevorgt -
        West Point is in New York state, on the Hudson River north of NYC. The reference to the Military Academy should be removed from this road trip.
      1. Mark Sedenquist's Avatar
        Mark Sedenquist -
        Yes, you are correct -- that is just weird. Sorry for the oversight.

        I was just there and saw a freeway sign directing traffic to go east to West Point.